Messy Ponytail Club

A Community of Women Getting Stronger Together, Inside and Out

Building Strength, Inside and Out

We know it can be tough to stick to a wellness routine – but you’re tougher. We’re here to help you get on track and stay there so you can build the person you want to be.

What You Should Know About Messy Ponytail Club

Messy Ponytail is a one-on-one and group training program for women, run by women. Everyone is different, and we succeed differently, so we work with you to train in the way that’s best for you. There’s no criticism – only encouragement. We know that getting into a wellness routine can be daunting, especially if you’ve lost the desire to follow through before. But there’s a courageousness and strength in trying again, and we want to help you succeed. Our goal is to form a comminty of women who learn to build their inner and outer strength. We aren’t here to beat each other, and we’re not here to see who can get fitter faster. We’re here to support each other and have fun getting stronger together.

What We Do

Messy Ponytail is a female-run fitness community specifically for women. Owner-operator Chelsea Slomka knows from experience that wellness training is one of the healthiest outlets for fighting fustration and building confidence, and that’s why our training program exists: to help other women find their inner strength.

Wellness Is More Than Lifting...

It’s also about our mental health and what we put in our bodies. Squats and lifting can help relieve stress, but learning how to handle that anxiety outside of the gym is also a necessity. To help balance whole-health wellness, Messy Ponytail Club does more than individual and group strength training – Chelsea is currently taking steps to become an ACTP certified life coach to work with women facing stressful life-situations. And then there’s nutrition. Between work, time with family and friends, and a fitness routine, planning healthy meals can too easily get pushed onto the back burner. To keep you on track, Chelsea offers her Strong Stuff: a line of protein-packed snacks and meal ideas so you stay fueled and at the top of your game. Plus she’ll help with nutrition planning, teach you how to meal prep on your own, and provide weekly calls and emails to hold you accountable. You can quickly and easily order Strong Stuff here and get right back to training.

Get Going!

Don’t wait. Contact us today to start one-on-one or group training, and get back on track.

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